Sunday, March 7, 2010

This Weekend

I had so much fun this weekend. I was dog sitting for my parents at their house. Friday I just ran a bunch of errands which wasn't too much fun but I got a lot accomplished. Yesterday we had a fire out in the street. It was way fun, we even roasted marshmallows. They got a new dog, and he is pretty cool. He is really skittish and needs to warm up to us a little bit but I think this is temporary and he will get better. Otherwise he is very nice, friendly and gets along with their other dog like they have been best friends their whole lives. I also love their shower over here, it doesn't make dying noises like mine does and actually has some pressure to it.
Monday is my last day at Cold Stone, then I start Walgreens on Saturday. I'm excited for this new job, I will be making so much more money than I did at Cold Stone. I'm going to miss working there just because I have known everybody there for so long now, its kind of sad. But this new job is necessary because I have to pay rent, a car payment, insurance, my phone bill and then just stuff I need.
I also want to take my cat to the vet when I get some extra money because she had a flee collar on, but when I took it off she was missing hair on her neck and has accumulated bumps all over. My other reason for taking her is her recent personality change.. She used to be independent and unfriendly, I would have to force her to sit with me. Now I cant seem to get rid of her.. She is always under my feet and she always wants to be with me. She will sit on my lap for hours and I don't understand why she is so lovey all of a sudden. It worries me.
Anyways that's it for now. I need to work on more laundry.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Clear Internet

I haven't posted in so long because I used to have Tmobile Internet but I had a huge problem with them! I was not informed that there was a usage limit but regardless, there was. I went over the usage limit and now owe $400 so I got extremely angry and cancelled it now I owe $600. But Emily and I just got Clear Internet and it is only $33 a month for unlimited usage and 4G Internet.
So much has happened since then that it would probably take me a year to post about it. Here's the important stuff!
1. I got a full time job at Walgreens starting on the 13Th.
2. I signed up for classes at Highline. I am a full time student, for first quarter I am taking English 101, Psych 100 and some College prep class that came with the English. I got stuck with the prep class because the only English class that wasn't full was the one that had the College prep class tagged onto it. Classes start March 29Th, I'm super excited!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I am completely moved into my new apartment. My family has been so much help to us. Ranae and my dad have been helping us get furniture and other necessary things. My aunts have also been very helpful so a big thank you to everyone!
I am pretty sure that I am getting a job at Walgreens. It starts out as part time then ends up to be full time in February so I think I will keep my Cold Stone job while I am doing part time with Walgreens.
Christmas was strange. In the morning, me and Emily went to her moms and she made us pancakes and eggs. It was nice, her mom even got me this cute little keep sake box. Then we went to my moms to pick her up, we all went to my grandmas where Christmas turned into a disaster. Then we took off and went to my Aunt Melissa's where everybody was really nice and in the Christmas mood! So all in all we had a good Christmas.
I am currently house sitting for my dad and Ranae while they went to long beach for a few days. They mainly wanted me to babysit their dogs so that they wouldn't have to go in a kennel which is understandable. I would not want to be put in a kennel lol. They are very nice to open up their house to me and Emily, they said we could do laundry and eat any food in the house. The laundry thing is nice because our machine in our new apartment building takes quarters and it is just a hassle.
That's it for now(:

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The reason I have not posted in a while is because I have been busy moving. I moved out of my moms house into Kent with a few friends. There were many reasons why I did this none of which I am about to mention to the world.

It is official, I have to start school spring quarter because my financial aid didn't go though in time for winter quarter. Its okay though, this gives me time to find a better job out here in Kent. I am about to go out and apply for a full time job today.

I am really disappointed with Christmas this year, I really love Christmas and I wanted it to be the best one ever. I was going to spend the holidays at home with my mom because I didn't last year, and then fly out to Utah to see my sister and my favorite brother in law Jeff on Christmas evening. I am not spending most of my time with my mother this season because we just aren't getting along enough to be in the same house for more than an hour. She told me that I make her want to kill herself, that's just something that you do not tell your only daughter. It is too expensive to go down to Utah because of all this moving I don't have that much money. I wanted to get super nice Christmas presents for everybody too, but that doesn't look like its going to work out either.

So short one this time, I have to go apply for a better job.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Today has been extremely busy. I woke up and Emily's at 8, then had to leave to take my mother to a doctors appointment like always... Then I had to go to this RIDICULOUS food handling class, I almost fell asleep. The test is basically common sense, even a caveman could pass it! Then I had to run into work to give my boss a copy, where she kept me talking to her for a half hour. Then I had to go to Direct TV to make a payment so they will hook up our cable. I pulled up to the Direct TV building and the sign was in Chinese. I thought maybe we ended up in the wrong country. Then I went shopping with Emily and ate my weight in Chinese food since were in China anyways.

My tongue is healing up super well. The first week I thought I was going to die of starvation because I couldn't eat for 4 days. It was super swollen and hurt so bad. I got to put the smaller tongue bar in though so it is much easier to eat. I thought my dad was going to start crying when I showed him, he hates it.

Kyle texted me the other day saying that he misses talking to me and I pretty much told him that I cannot talk to him anymore because I was getting way too attached and he has a girlfriend so either way I would end up getting hurt. But enough about him! I am interested in Matthew Fraizer now(: The first time we hung out, I stole his hat and after he left, I informed him that I still had it. He said 'well that just gives me an excuse to see you again' (:

Anyways, that's it for now. I have another busy day tomorrow, another one of my mother's doctors appointments, then another appointment. Also, we got the new Smallville in our Netflix so I am excited to watch it! I am such a nerd I know.

Monday, October 26, 2009

My life has been quite eventful since last time I posted (which was not too long ago)

I got a laptop because I am supposed to be starting school in January and this way it would be easier on me then using the schools computers all the time or sitting on my home computer. Today we are going to T mobile to get Internet for it. I can get wireless Internet anywhere I go and they will just tack on $25 to our monthly bill. I love this thing, it is so much more convenient then the home computer.

Emily and I went to Ranae's Arbonne party together a few days ago. I bought some of the powder foundation, both me and my mother love that stuff! And I won a game so Ranae gave me this super amazing eyeliner. I believe that she is just trying to get me hooked on it so I will continue to buy it from her. (Its working! I'm completely hooked) It was fun, Emily got to meet another branch of where I come from and I got to see Ranae's sisters again.

Tomorrow I have to go renew my food handlers card. My boss told me two weeks ago that it was expired but I completely spaced it. So today I got this e mail that basically said if I don't get it into her by Friday, she will not give me hours anymore. So I looked up somewhere that I could get it done right away and it turns out that some bingo center in Renton is having a class for tomorrow. I hope it is as easy as I remember.

So I have completely given up on Kyle. All the odds were against me so I moved on and stopped talking to him. But then I started talking to this guy Matt that was in my graduating class. We hung out a few times and discovered that we have amazing chemistry. The only sad part about this is that he is going into the air force so he is leaving in a few months. I don't really want to get close to somebody and attached if they are just going to leave. In the meantime, he is a great guy and fun to be with.

I believe that's everything!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Today is my Dad's birthday. Happy birthday!!! Yesterday Ranae had a birthday get together for him but I could not attend because I had to work from 2-9. My Sunday hours are ridiculous, almost as if I were on call.

My tongue is healing nicely, the swelling is going down and I can eat again. I wasn't able to eat anything for four days. Then yesterday I had a huge breakfast because it was less swollen. But my stomach felt really sick after I did that because I had not eaten in 4 days then all of a sudden ate a lot of food. I'm taking it slower now.

So I think I am pretty much done with Kyle. We have a good time when we are hanging out but I have to work really hard to make him keep his plans with me. He still has a girlfriend, and I think he is losing interest anyways. He thinks that I am mad at him. I am not, I just don't want to play his games anymore.

I have been talking to my old friends from high school and noticing that they could be really good friends to have in my life. So I hung out with Chris the other day and we didn't do anything out of the ordinary that anyone would think was super fun. We just watched YouTube videos and played with his Zune. I had an amazingly fun night though!! I am supposed to hangout with my friend Matt today, but before that, I really want to stop by and wish my Dad a happy birthday.

I got a letter in the mail that says that my financial aid application was incomplete. I have to go into Highline to fill out a financial aid data sheet for that particular school. I heard somewhere that the deadline for financial aid was sometime last week so I am really nervous that I wont be able to go to school in January. I might have to wait until Spring quarter which I really don't want to do. So I am going to go to Highline tomorrow to talk to an advisor about what is happening. Hopefully we will get it all sorted out.

Bye for now!! ((Happy birthday Dad))